Brazilian Transcritical Information Studies
Critical Studies in LIS, Ethnic-Racial Studies, Gender, Diversities, InterculturalitySynopsis
Attentive to the (pre)paradigms of Information Science – ranging from the conservative to the physical-informational, semiotic-linguistic, logical-mathematical, and cognitive paradigms – the social paradigm represents a significant milestone for the epistemological design of IS itself, as it places information within its contexts, not only historical, political, and socio-economic, but also the ideological contexts of interaction among subjects and the production of that information. In an era of liquid truths', paraphrasing Zygmunt Bauman – an era of Meta-truths, para-truths, and post-truths – only dialectical and, thus, complex, intersectional, and microphysical contexts ensure us a consistent interpretation and production of knowledge about reality. Particularly noteworthy for the field of Information Science is the decision by the National Association for Research in Information Science (Associação Nacional de Pesquisa em Ciência da Informação, ANCIB, in portuguese) to create GT-12 - Information, Ethnic-Racial Studies, Gender, and Diversities (GT-12 - Informação, Estudos Étnico-Raciais, Gênero e Diversidades, in portuguese)– starting in 2022 at the XXII ENANCIB, held in Porto Alegre, where 31 articles were presented, under the coordination of Professors Izabel França de Lima (UFPB) and Maria Aparecida Moura (UFMG). ubsequently, in 2023, the second and current edition of GT-12 gathers at least 115 authors around 38 articles, through which these researchers reflect on themselves as social subjects and on IS and its place in society. This represents for Information Science not only an opening to a new epistemology but, above all, a new ontological perspective, as it means recognizing and reserving a place of Being for minorities – long denied through extermination and physical castration, the extermination of memory and identity; long denied by the trivialization of all forms of being of these social minorities, including Black people, women, Indigenous peoples, and the LGBTQIA+ community. There is still a need for the inclusion of other vulnerable groups in this broad debate of GT-12, such as orphans or abandoned children, heads of families, sex workers, drug users, and incarcerated individuals, among others. In light of the Sustainable Development Goals (Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável, ODS, in portuguese) – to which we are all signatories – it is crucial to ensure that by 2030, No One is Left Behind. Manuel Valente Mangue